Tag Archive: RIU

14 July, 2020

From RIU we thank you 2.5 million times!

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At RIU we will never stop thanking you and we have plenty of reasons to do so: for spending your holidays with us, for the encouragement received during these difficult times, for trusting us again and for all the support received on social networks, among many others! As we want to share everything that happens to us with you, we are very happy to tell you that our very large Facebook family has reached 2.5 million followers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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6 July, 2020

We´re back in all the following destinations!

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At RIU we are very excited because, after months of uncertainty, we are slowly starting to resume our operations. To do so with maximum guarantees, all our staff have been trained and are ready to receive you with our customary exclusive guest service. Want to find out which countries you can visit us in?

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2 June, 2020

What will a holiday at a RIU hotel be like now?

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As you know, the circumstances dictate that exceptional hygiene and disinfection measures be taken during this period to ensure maximum safety for you and our employees during your stay with us. These new measures can generate some doubts so RIU has created a manual to answer your questions.

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13 March, 2020

Live St. Patrick with RIU!

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El próximo 17 de marzo se celebra el Día de San Patricio muy esperado durante todo el años por todos los irlandeses. Se trata de una tradición a la que cada vez se suman más destinos llenando sus calles de color verde. ¿Quieres conocer qué ciudades celebran este día tan especial para los irlandeses? RIU te hace tres propuestas para que disfrutes de esta fiesta tan especial. We'll be waiting for you!

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