Tag Archive: mauritius

26 August, 2016

The island of Mauritius, discover why it’s called the “Jewel of the Indian Ocean”

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Today we are taking you with us to Mauritius. In this post, we want to tell you about a destination that could easily be considered a synonym for paradise. Before reading any further, we have to warn you of something: Your jaw is going to drop after seeing what’s waiting for you in Mauritius… You’ve seen that there are two...

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6 May, 2016

Still don’t know our RIU hotels in Mauritius?

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From crystal-clear waters, white sands, and exuberant vegetation to gushing waterfalls, impressive cliffs, and a year-round tropical climate. Mauritius is a destination with everything, and when you discover it, you’ll be won over. Le Morne Brabant is the zone where our hotels are located. It’s a peninsula on the southeast tip of the island. You get to choose: Riu Creole...

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7 March, 2016

Five unique natural landscapes in the world

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If you’re thinking of taking an unusual trip and discovering natural landscapes, this post is for you. You’ve surely seen photographs of places and thought that they weren’t real; at RIU we propose five destinations with unforgettable landscapes. The Seven Coloured Earths, as it is known, is in reality the Chamarel Dunes located on Mauritius island. It is an expanse...

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Isla Mauricio 28 September, 2015

Mauritius, the white island

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Mauritius is known as the white island. A paradise in the middle of the Indian Ocean, a few kilometers away from Madagascar’s coast. The island, with a 2,040 square kilometers surface, is located 20 degrees South of the Equator and 57.5 degrees East. The official language is English, but French and Creole are also commonly used. It has a population of...

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