Imagen del Comité de Sostenibilidad de RIU

Meet our Sustainability Committee!

18 April, 2024

This year at RIU Hotels & Resorts we presented our new Sustainability strategy: Proudly Committed. We are very proud to share with you all the actions we are implementing and, after asking you on LinkedIn which of the four key areas you would like to know more about, the winner was Essence and People.

In this area, training is the main driver for internal development, but so is sharing and strengthening the culture of sustainability among everyone who forms part of RIU. And to do this, we have a crucial ally: the Sustainability Committee. The creation of this body was one of the first actions taken after the launch of the strategy and it will be responsible for driving our sustainable practices in the coming years.

What are the main functions of the Sustainability Committee?

This committee has the important task of making sure that everything we do in terms of environmental and social sustainability is aligned with our 2024-2026 Strategic Sustainability Plan. In addition, it must evaluate how we are performing to ensure that we achieve the ambitious goals we have set ourselves.

And not forgetting to integrate, in a cross-cutting manner, RIU’s values into its main asset, its people. And how is this done? Well, by sharing information and involving colleagues in decision-making. As each committee member belongs to a department or area important to RIU’s management, their co-workers feel that they can propose and improve on sustainability measures with a colleague who understands their work and its challenges.

Who is on the Sustainability Committee?

The Sustainability Committee endeavours to ensure that the company’s management and sustainability strategy always go hand in hand. It comprises 16 professionals from the company representing the areas of Human Resources, Information Systems, Sales, Purchasing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Training, Technical Assistance and Architecture (GAT), Technical Services and Maintenance (SAT), Operations and Health and Safety. Here we present them to you:

Committee President: Lola Trian

Committee Secretary: Xisca Sitjar

Catalina Alemany, CSR and Training

Gonzalo Baselga, Commercial Activity

Bartolomé Enseñat, Purchasing

Luis Riu Rodríguez, GAT and SAT

Roberto Riu, GAT and SAT

Juan Carlos García, Human Resources Balearic Islands / Global Health and Safety

Iván Bejerano, Human Resources Asia / East Africa and Plaza Europa

Carmelo González, Human Resources Gran Canaria

Javier Fernández, Human Resources America and Purchasing

Toni Ramis, IT

Sergio Lobenstein, Operations

Pablo Klimann, Operations

Manel Jaile, Operations

Rebeca Pitti, Production Staff

Imagen que muestra al Comité de Sostenibilidad de RIU en una de las reuniones

We are eager to see how this diverse group of professionals will spearhead the change towards a more sustainable future for RIU. The Sustainability Committee will meet every month during the first year, and each member will serve for a period of four years, with the possibility of being reappointed for an additional four years.

So, we are ready to change things and leave a positive mark!

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