RIU will help you to fulfil your New Year’s Resolutions

3 January, 2020

2020 has now arrived and with it the end of gatherings between family and friends and that feeling of sadness that always follows a time of so much celebration. However, we are going to focus on what is most important: the goals for the new year. We always set ourselves new resolutions that we never end up achieving. At RIU we want you to cross some of these resolutions off your list and make this year a memorable one!

Fulfil some of your 2020 goals with RIU

We want you to realize these three basic goals that we bet that everyone has on their list:

Taking care of yourself

Every year we tell ourselves the same story: this year I will take time for myself. But then it never happens. This is why we want you to finally achieve this important goal. Our chain wants to offer you its RIU Wellness & Spa where you can take lots of different treatments designed for body and soul.

Enjoy yourself at any of our RIU Wellness & Spa hotels

Many of our RIU hotels, together with our partners such as Renova Spa, have beauty and health treatments within unbeatable facilities! Among a wide range of options you can choose from classic beauty treatments to eastern-style relaxation! This is undoubtedly a fantastic experience that will make your holidays even more relaxing.

Go on the trip of your dreams

The time has come to visit that place you are always telling your family you want to visit. This 2020 is the year in which you can finally say you have made that longed for trip. It is a goal that you can achieve with us, be it New York, Berlin or the Dominican Republic and now you can even go to San Francisco! If your dream destination is elsewhere, why not visit our website where you will find your special place and you can start planning your big trip this year.

Travel to your dream destination with RIU

Put London and Toronto on your list for 2021!

Do sports with RIU

This is one of the resolutions that is most difficult to stick to. We always insist that we will lose all the weight we have put on at Christmas but then February comes around and our willpower weakens. To keep up with this resolution from the beginning of the year we suggest you visit one of our beach hotels where you will find a wide range of sports activities.

Begin your sporting routine in 2020 with RIU

At RIU you can do Paddle Yoga, windsurfing, kayaking, aquagym, tennis and so much more! You even have the option to do a RiuFit program and choose the intensity of the class. What better way to start a sports routine than taking a class with us? Now you have no excuses!

We hope we have helped you with some of if not all of the resolutions on your 2020 list. In any case, going on holiday is an easily doable goal and at RIU we will help you achieve this every year!

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