RIU and its new training concept

6 August, 2021

Some time ago we introduced you to the RIU Training Department in one of our posts. We told you what their role was and what they had dedicated their efforts to when the pandemic forced us to shut down. One of the key projects they developed is the one we are going to tell you about today. It is a new platform called GameLearn, a new method of training that kicked off at the beginning of this year with the launch of its pilot plan.

 Juan José Henares, Head of Quality, Training Department

Juan José Henares, Quality Manager of the Training Department.

It is an online space, which arose as a result of the pandemic with the aim of providing continuity for the RIU Management Skills Programme, which until then had been carried out in person. Initially, when the pilot plan was launched, it was aimed at management teams and managers. Once the trial period had been successfully completed, we decided to launch this new project with 1,500 places open to all RIU staff members. According to Juan José Henares, Quality Manager of the Training Department, it was because they believe that “Skills are important at all levels, in some cases even more important for those people who are on the front line with the customer. So we encourage all our colleagues to sign up for one of the training sessions.” In addition, “The feedback from the participants in the test was so positive that we decided to incorporate it into the RIU Management Skills Programme.” The registration period for accessing the courses opens at the beginning of each month.

Practice: the best way to learn

This platform uses a learning method based on games, known in the training world as Gamification. Juan José says that “The formula is simple, you choose a subject, structure the content, and create a context that acts as a common thread and through which you can incorporate the concepts of the syllabus.”

Normally these games use a specific mechanism to develop the course. One of the best examples is Pacific. This is a fun game in which participants learn about team leadership. The participant has to try to meet the needs of each member in their team, all within a set of resource constraints, such as energy. The interesting thing about this game is that it forces you to focus on what is important and, above all, to prioritise tasks, since when you run out of energy the game forces you to go to sleep to recover, and start a new shift. In this way, any important tasks that are still pending, because they have not been dealt with, will accumulate a feeling of unease among the members of your team. To perform certain actions that require skills, such as communication, you first have to unlock these by reading the content and answering a question. If you respond correctly, you earn a new skill for your team! As you can see, this is a very enjoyable way of learning to manage through practical examples that force you to put your skills into action and, most importantly: to think on your feet.

“The key to success in these systems is to find a balance between an original game context suited to the subject matter, well-structured quality content and a game mechanism that is easy and intuitive.”

The aim of these training sessions is to help employees develop skills, something that directly impacts their work. One of the reflections that I have repeated most often when talking about skills training is that people assume or believe that we know everything when we talk about routine aspects, like communication, for example. When you get into the game and you read everything about teamwork, communication, and feedback, you realise that there are things that we forget along the way, precisely because we ignore them, it seems a bit contradictory but it is a reality that is reflected in the quality of whatever we do.” And it is precisely these details that Juan José mentions that this programme aims to reinforce: “Realising that at any given moment, by asking a client or a colleague a question, you can improve a bad day, or positively redirect a situation, makes all the difference.”

This platform is another example of how reality is changing, and with it, the way we work. It is very important that we are up to date, especially in our professional lives. We have to constantly refresh ourselves and be aware of our environment; we can always improve and apply small changes in our day-to-day lives.

It seems that we often find it difficult to take the plunge and start a new course that teaches us new skills. At RIU we believe that learning is not at odds with having fun. Thanks to the Training Department now all RIU employees can access this wonderful programme that teaches in a fun and practical way. If you are a RIU employee and you are interested, you can register for the following course: https://form.asana.com/?k=tlHT-n769acYhIqSWCE9uQ&d=24701991276898 We are waiting for you!

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