Laura Malone y José Olivares en persona, a la derecha, con sus avatares

Proudly Committed presented at a pioneering hybrid event!

6 June, 2024

At RIU Hotels & Resorts we like to innovate and do things that are a little out of the ordinary. As you already know, this is the year of Proudly Committed, our new sustainability strategy with a very clear goal: to ensure our business has the most positive impact possible on both local communities and the environment. And to present something this important we needed an event to match. So we decided to do something that would be pioneering both in our sector and in Spain… A hybrid event held in three places at the same time! Yes, you read right! Do you want to know how we did it and find out all the details? Keep reading!

What is a hybrid event?

A hybrid event combines a face-to-face and virtual presence. This allows attendees to choose to take part in person or online, from any location. You just need a live stream and a space that allows interaction. For an event that is streamed using a classic video call, that space would be the chat room where you ask questions or talk. This format is fine, but let’s be honest… it is not very dynamic or attractive for people who connect virtually. This is easily solved if you add the innovative spatial web to the mix, together with its ability to enhance interaction like never before. It’s a totally different experience!

Laura Malone and José Olivares in person, on the right, with their avatars.

Laura Malone and José Olivares in person, on the right, with their avatars.

A hybrid event with three simultaneous venues: the Riu Playa Park, the Riu Plaza España, and its virtual twin

The hybrid event we organised to present Proudly Committed was held in two physical hotels, the Riu Playa Park in Palma and the Riu Plaza España in Madrid, as well as in a virtual one: the replica of the Riu Plaza España which we have already mentioned on the blog and which can be found on the Spatial platform. En el espacio virtual han estado como presentadores y moderadores José Olivares, CSO de la agencia Margarita y desarrollador del proyecto en la web espacial, y por Laura Malone, directora de Comunicación Corporativa de RIU. Sus avatares han hecho de anfitriones desde la Gran Sala Madrid del gemelo virtual del Riu Plaza España. The idea of using three different spaces is not insignificant, but we did it to demonstrate the immense possibilities that a virtual space provides in the spatial web.

This technology has enabled us to replicate the conference and meeting rooms in our hotel in Madrid, something that paves the way for hybrid or virtual events for anyone looking to innovate in terms of set-up and organisation.

And not only that, being able to experience an event, conference or convention in a three-dimensional space that is true to the face-to-face setting greatly improves attendee interaction and immersion.

Image of the three event venues

Image of the three event venues.

Proudly Committed, a definitive step towards sustainability

Catalina Alemany, RIU’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, was in Palma to present the Proudly Committed strategy, which sets out the roadmap for an increasingly sustainable operation for the years 2024-2026. The attendees who were in Madrid, as well as all those connected to the spatial web, were able to learn about the details of the strategy. In addition, the Communication Director, Albert Puig, explained how we have approached the communication campaign And most importantly, we showed the video in which we explain what Proudly Committed is.

Image of Catalina Alemany presenting Proudly Committed

Catalina Alemany presenting Proudly Committed

Riu Plaza España: sustainable initiatives and events

Another very interesting part of the event involved the presentation of the sustainable initiatives and projects developed at the Riu Plaza España.  Carlos Descotte, the hotel’s Sales Manager, explained that the hotel has several systems in place to help control energy usage, such as the low-consumption heating and cooling system. He also emphasised that 100% of the electricity used in the building is certified as coming from renewable sources. Additionally, the Riu Plaza España has a responsible purchasing policy that ensures that no food is sourced from endangered or mistreated species and that the personal care products have not been tested on animals. On top of this, the hotel uses no single-use plastics.

Image of Carlos Descotte presenting in Madrid

Carlos Descotte presenting in Madrid

In the events section, Carlos showed us the impressive data that makes this hotel the chain’s leader in terms of events in Spain:

  • +1,000 events held in 2023
  • +100,000 people
  • 60% national and 40% international
  • 24% growth compared to 2023
  • All types of events: pharmaceutical, social, technological, sporting…

Given these figures, it is clear that face-to-face events are the order of the day and that virtual meetings, which we were forced to resort to during the pandemic, are no longer trending. And that is where hybrid events come in. These are the result of blending face-to-face and virtual experiences and have many advantages in terms of sustainability, by reducing the carbon footprint and minimising resource consumption, as well as promoting accessibility and inclusiveness. Hybrid events not only benefit the environment, but also offer practical and economic advantages to organisers and participants.

At RIU we are very proud to be able to innovate while taking steps towards a more sustainable future. We believe that this combination of sustainability and efficiency is a very positive trend that will gradually become established in the sector. Here is the video summary of this great event!

What do you think of hybrid events? Leave us your comments!

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