Photograph vertigo at the Riu Plaza España!
13 January, 2022The Riu Plaza España opened its doors in 2019 and there was a great deal of enthusiasm and effort invested into it. RIU arrived in the capital with a keen desire to launch this impressive hotel that presides over one of the most emblematic plazas in the centre of Madrid. In addition to the overwhelming reception it has enjoyed since then, nobody could have imagined the impressive success of its 360º terrace, which has exceeded all expectations! So much so that some of the most important guidebooks have already included it in their list of must-see places if you visit the city.
Why is the terrace of the Riu Plaza España hotel so famous? You’ve probably already heard of its glass walkway. No-one can resist going up and crossing the glass bridge that gives the terrace, located on the 27th floor of the hotel, an impressive panoramic view of the city. But there’s more!
The terrace of the Riu Plaza España: the big change
You know that at RIU we love to see you happy and we keep improving. That’s why we’ve renovated this space and introduced some new features that you’ll love! We’ve noticed that you like thrilling sensations, so we’ve introduced something that’s sure to take your breath away: a platform suspended in the air! Now you’ll be able to take a dizzying photo of yourself and show your social networks how brave you are. You thought you had Madrid at your feet when you crossed the catwalk? Well now you really have!
But the novelties don’t end here! If you walk along the terrace you will come across a new element that is sure to catch your eye: an imposing sculpture of a white bull. This beautiful sculpture is a declaration of love and respect for this animal, present in a multitude of civilisations and beliefs as a symbol of energy, strength and generosity. It promises to become very famous!

The sculpture, with origami aesthetics and a waterproof Krion body, has spectacular horns and testicles in polished shiny brass.
Tapas overlooking Madrid
Once you’ve taken in the sights, and after exploring the terrace, it’s time to stop and pamper another of your senses: your taste buds. Taking advantage of the terrace refurbishment, we have added a gastrobar on the 26th floor. But what is it? A bar with table service where you can enjoy a wide variety of tapas, and which is open all day. This space that’s sure to satisfy your palate, is called “Edén”. And tucked away inside is a beautiful spot where you’ll also want to take a snapshot of yourself sitting on the huge swing. And of course, from this space you get incredible views of the city thanks to the windows running the length of its walls. Unbeatable!
As far as we’re concerned, there’s nothing more to add! And it’s never been better said. Visiting the capital of Spain is to ensure unique experiences, visiting our hotel is already a must, and now, if you choose to stay with us, you will enjoy an experience of the highest level.
1 Comment
Congratulations on all the beautiful Riu hotels. Great hospitalities and clean and beautiful.