Isla Mauricio 6 June, 2017

10 interesting facts about Mauritius that will surprise you

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Surely Mauritius is a destination you’ve heard people talk about, especially for its popularity as a honeymoon destination par excellence. Today we want you to discover the other side of this fantastic island through these 10 interesting facts. 1. The dodo is the national bird, but you will only see it on the country’s national emblem or on souvenirs. This...

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ClubHotel Riu Karamboa 2 June, 2017

Is it a palace? It’s the ClubHotel Riu Karamboa

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Today we want to show you a hotel that seems like something out of a movie set: the ClubHotel Riu Karamboa. Its ceramic domes make the beauty of the hotel stand out from the moment when we fly over the island of Boa Vista, before landing in the nearby airport, at the same time as its low height and African...

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En bicicleta Berlin 30 May, 2017

Five ideas to enjoy summer in Berlin

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Summer doesn’t just mean beaches. Spending a few days on the coast is a tempting idea, but today we’re going to propose that you combine this with an urban getaway to the fantastic city of Berlin. Take note of these five ideas for enjoying the outdoors in Berlin in summertime. Tour the city by bicycle Berlin has a public bicycle...

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Riu San Francisco 25 May, 2017

Learn to cook an authentic Majorcan cuttlefish sauté

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Majorca is a destination you always want to go back to. So that you won’t miss this marvellous island so much after you leave, today we’re going to tell you how to make a Majorcan sauté. This dish can be based on different main ingredients: meat, vegetables, seafood… But today we’re going to show you how to make it with...

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