13 July, 2023

Juan Bermudez: “My colleagues are the stars of the kitchen, without them nothing would be possible”

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Hailing from Torrecera, in Jerez de la Frontera, Juan Bermúdez Atienza, head chef at the Hotel Riu Buenavista (Tenerife), tells us about his extensive experience at RIU and explains the process that all the food passes through from the moment it arrives at the hotel until it is served on the guests' plates. He also highlights the plastic reduction method that has been implemented in the hotel since last March.

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6 July, 2023

Welcome to the capital of Germany: das ist Berlin!

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Typical images we see each summer are beaches in Mediterranean countries packed with tourists from northern Europe trying to escape the cold and the summer rain. This common image does not apply to all destinations, though. Today we bring you an ideal alternative to sun and sea holidays. Want to learn more?

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22 June, 2023

Costa Rica, a year-round destination

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When we think of the nation that espouses "pura vida", or the simple life, its endless beaches of golden sand and idyllic coastlines inevitably spring to mind. But the reality is that Costa Rica has a great deal to offer throughout the year. Join us on this tour of some magical places to explore soon.

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15 June, 2023

This is how RIU celebrates World Environment Day

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Today we want to dedicate a special space to one of the major commitments of our Corporate Social Responsibility: the environment. As you already know, World Environment Day is celebrated every June 5th. This is an important date for many people throughout the world, who are happy to see how our society is advancing, little by little and hand in hand, towards a better future and greater awareness of environmental protection.

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