22 September, 2017

You have no excuse: when you visit the Riu Vallarta, you have everything you could ask for

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We humans are no doubt the living beings that complain the most. For us, everything has to have a “but”. When we cook something and it turns out perfect, we think it needs a little more salt. If we see our favourite team win four to zero, we remember that failed play that could have meant a fifth point. When...

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19 September, 2017

Desert and beach at the same time? Yes, in Boa Vista it’s possible

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The immensity of the desert and spectacular beaches with turquoise waters coexist in Boa Vista, an idyllic destination for people looking for something different. Located in Cape Verde, the island of a thousand isles, it delights its visitors with unique fauna and flora, as well as an endless list of activities and exquisite gastronomy. Don’t believe me? Keep reading… In...

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15 September, 2017

Work and pleasure at Riu Plaza hotels

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Imagine being able to leave your office when your workday is just getting started, to get out and explore the city. After a stroll to look around, you go back to work for a couple of hours… but then you realise that you’re starving. Why wait until lunchtime? You could eat anytime, but not in your office. Basically, because you...

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12 September, 2017

Happy Birthday RIU! 20 years of service in Mexico

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This year we haven’t stopped celebrating anniversaries! It wasn’t that long ago that we were announcing our tenth anniversary in Aruba, and today we’re raising our glasses to 20 years in Mexico! Since we opened our first hotel on Playa del Carmen (the Riu Yucatan) in 1997 we haven’t drawn breath with our efforts to continue growing in a country...

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8 September, 2017

RIU collaborates with Sonrisa Médica on the ‘Un día de narices’ campaign for the fourth consecutive year

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Smiles that express gratitude. That is what children at hospitals in Mallorca break into when the clowns from Sonrisa Médica accompany them through their therapeutical processes with magic, music, games and fun. However, the non-profit association is not alone in this cause: for the last four years it has had the invaluable help of the Balearic hotel sector and, of...

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