Come to the Balearic Islands and enjoy the delicious Mediterranean diet

27 Mar 2018

Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, the Balearic Islands have always been a special place for trade between many countries. Their geographic position was and is considered ideal for business transactions between the countries or kingdoms in the same waters. In recent decades they have become a paradise that many tourists want to visit and get to know. Why?...

“Coming to work at RIU is one of the best career moves I’ve ever made”

23 Mar 2018

Since our beginnings, at RIU Hotels we’ve always considered people our main source of value, because ultimately it’s our human team that interacts directly with our guests. If our staff is happy, they provide their services with the good cheer and friendliness that characterises us. Nipun Pathirana is Assistant HR Manager at the Riu Sri Lanka and, just like the...

Prepare a delicacy from Mauritius: Palm heart with saffron sauce and Chinese cabbage

20 Mar 2018

On the heavenly island of Mauritius, you’ll find one of our eleven hotels in Africa: the Hotel Riu Creole. With the help of the hotel’s executive chef, Juggoo, we want to show you how to prepare an authentic Mauritian delicacy: Palm heart with saffron sauce and Chinese cabbage. Follow the steps below while we also tell you some things about...


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