7 December, 2023

This Christmas, give the gift of RIU magic!

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The moment has arrived! It’s time to grant the Christmas wishes of your loved ones. This is one of the most important missions of the year. You have to create magic in these days when excitement reigns. That’s why we want to help you choose the best gift to surprise your loved ones with and delight them with magical experiences....

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23 November, 2023

Your Christmas destination with RIU

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There are only 5 weekends left until the most magical time of the year: Christmas. It’s just around the corner! It’s time to start planning get-togethers with family and friends and choose the perfect place to do this. If you want to do something different this year and you still haven’t decided what, we suggest a trip! We have selected...

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20 November, 2023

It’s time to wiggle your hips to the rhythm of the Riu Parties!

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Little by little we are saying goodbye to this balmy autumn and embracing winter. Although in Spain we enjoy a privileged location, and there are several places where the mercury in the thermometer still hasn't dropped, it's better not to be overconfident. To avoid the chill, we bring you our secret formula: wiggle your hips! Unlike the saying, music doesn't always soothe the savage beast, and it certainly doesn't at our Riu Parties Today, RIU Hotels & Resorts brings you the best plan for this winter: come dance with us! But the million dollar question is, where in Spain can we find these acclaimed parties?

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