9 April, 2019

We’re already up to two million on Facebook!

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With this post we want to celebrate having reached two million followers on Facebook. We have never stopped growing since we opened our account ten years ago and it’s all thanks to the customers who interact with us on social media. To celebrate, we have launched a competition in which the winner will be able to go ‘round the world’ with RIU.

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This is what the RIU hotels in the Maldives currently look like 5 April, 2019

The opening of our hotels in the Maldives is getting ever closer!

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We at RIU are very excited to be opening up for the first time in the Maldives with two new hotels. That is why we are using this post to give you a brief preview of how the facilities are looking at the two complexes that will be welcoming you and your family for your holiday. Here we show you the future bedrooms and public areas that you will be able to enjoy.

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La Riu Pool Party se inspira en la gran pasión de Luis Riu por la música y por ejercer de DJ en su tiempo libre 2 April, 2019

Riu Pool Party, the concept that enthuses thousands of guests every week and that originated in Luis Riu’s passion for music

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Luis Riu’s great passion for music in all its forms was the germ of a new leisure and entertainment concept that is enjoying overwhelming success in various hotels of the RIU group: the Riu Pool Party. Find out more about these parties that have so much appeal to guests of all ages and discover where you can enjoy them!

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