15 July, 2020

Luis Riu: “It Is an Honour to Welcome Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain and Show Them the New Anti-coronavirus Security Protocols at the RIU Hotels”

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The King and Queen of Spain, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, visited Mallorca at the end of June, a trip where they were able to learn about the anti-coronavirus security protocols implemented by RIU. Luis Riu emphasised the sympathy & closeness of Their Majesties with all employees and guests of the Hotel Riu Concordia.

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14 July, 2020

From RIU we thank you 2.5 million times!

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At RIU we will never stop thanking you and we have plenty of reasons to do so: for spending your holidays with us, for the encouragement received during these difficult times, for trusting us again and for all the support received on social networks, among many others! As we want to share everything that happens to us with you, we are very happy to tell you that our very large Facebook family has reached 2.5 million followers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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