4 November, 2021

Holidays in Costa Rica with RIU

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Still haven't been to Costa Rica? If you are thinking of organising a dream holiday, we present you with the ideal destination: Guanacaste. RIU has two impressive 5-star hotels in this destination touching the incredible Matapalo beach. Do you want to find out more? We'll tell you all about them!

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21 October, 2021

Discover the magic of Cape Verde with RIU

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Cape Verde is famous for its spectacular scenery and pleasant tropical climate. With this post we want to look a little deeper and tell you everything you need to know before you travel to this incredible destination. We would also like to take the opportunity to reveal tidbits about RIU in the country. Don't miss it!

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14 October, 2021

Where to travel in November with RIU?

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Winter is getting closer and it's time to bid farewell to the last rays of summer sunshine. If you are one of those people who refuse to let this happen, this post is for you! We will tell you all about Jamaica, the ideal destination to escape to in November and enjoy its tropical climate. Don't miss it!

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