Category: Proudly Commited

28 October, 2019

If you suspect any sexual exploitation of children in tourism, please report it immediately!

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Sexual exploitation is an insult and an assault on the dignity and fundamental rights of children. That’s why almost half (46% to be exact) of the projects that RIU undertakes in its CSR strategy are aimed at children. The fight to prevent and tackle the causes where children are exploited and victims of abuse in travel and tourism is for...

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1 October, 2019

We’ve contributed to the highest number of loggerhead turtle nests ever recorded in Cape Verde

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We’d like you to learn all about the work that we and our partners in the Cape Verde Islands carry out regarding the protection and conservation of local biodiversity. Cape Verde is located in the Atlantic Ocean at the westernmost tip of the continent of Africa. The nation boasts a stunning natural wealth and is the third most important turtle...

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2 September, 2019

Communication Campaign Sustainable Tourist

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We’re aware that our guests and society in general call for and value committed organisations capable of improving the environment in which they operate and being agents of change and progress on a social, economic and environmental level. At RIU Hotels & Resorts we foster best practices and business initiatives which, together with the actions of our guests, are part...

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30 July, 2019

RIU joins the UN’s “Beat Air Pollution” programme for the conservation of the planet

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For World Environment Day, once again this year RIU Hotels & Resorts joined the United Nations’ programme #BeatAirPollution, in order to tackle one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time: atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, RIU organised environmental action on a grand scale which has involved staff, guests and the local community in: tree planting...

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24 July, 2019

RIU Hotels publishes its 2018 Sustainability Report

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More than twenty joint actions with NGOs around the world and 3,000 staff training sessions lead this complete report which also sets out the company’s sustainable practices during 2018. RIU Hotels & Resorts has published its latest Sustainability Report, a document that sets out the company’s endeavours in terms of protecting the environment and social action throughout 2018. It is a complete...

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