Proudly Commited

Meet the directors of Riu Plaza!

2 Oct 2020 ,

As you know RIU is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Riu Plaza hotels. It has been ten years since the chain began this project that would not have been possible without the human team behind it. That's why today we are introducing you to the directors of our city hotels. Don't miss it!

Learn about RIU’s work with groups that fight against cancer

28 Feb 2020

For several years RIU has been working with several associations in the fight against cancer to support individuals and families affected by this disease. All the chain's contributions follow one of RIU's Corporate Social Responsibility guidelines: children. Would you like to know about our role with these associations? You can find out all about it here!

RIU Hotels & Mano Amiga Foundation: Educating Through Tourism.

17 Dec 2019

We continue to move forward in our firm commitment to childhood wherever we develop our business activity, as the lives of children today and in generations to come is of great importance to us. To do so, among other social activities carried out as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, we facilitate children’s access to quality education and financially...


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