Luis Riu

Luis Riu, CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts

Luis Riu, CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts

RIU Hotels & Resorts is not only about hotels. There is a team of professionals behind it dedicated to creating experiences and unforgettable memories. And at the head of it all is Luis Riu, our CEO, directly responsible for the Expansion, Design, Construction and Marketing of all our hotels. His vision, instinct and passion is a source of inspiration to everybody working at RIU Hotels. That is why we are delighted to launch a new section in which he personally shares his personal thoughts, knowledge and plans. Are you with us?

Luis Riu: “management with My Sister Carmen is Based on Trust”

24 Sep 2019

Carmen and Luis Riu Güell have shared the management of the RIU Group for over 20 years. They represent the third generation of the family business founded by Juan Riu. Today Luis Riu tells how it is to work side by side with his sister and how they organise themselves. A breakthrough: the experience is rewarding.


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