
You can now enjoy our Riu Pool Parties in Punta Cana

18 Jan 2019 ,

Our Riu Pool Party theme nights have come to Punta Cana! The music, entertainment and varied themes featured in the parties we organise will ensure you have a memorable stay in our hotels. Don't miss out on this great event! Come to the Dominican Republic for a genuinely authentic experience listening to music from the best national and international DJs.

Experience Carnival in the Canary Islands with us!

15 Jan 2019 ,

Have you chosen your fancy dress outfit yet? If you still don’t know what to wear then get a move on! Carnival in the Canary Islands is just round the corner and you simply can’t miss it! This huge festival is officially registered as a Fiesta of National Tourist Interest and is celebrated every year. In 2019 it takes place...

We are packing to go to Zanzibar! Would you like to come along?

8 Jan 2019 ,

One of the most frequently asked questions and the cause of most stress before travelling is “What should I pack?” If your next adventure is to go to Zanzibar, we will use this post to give you some tips to ensure you take everything you need. It is a quiet island located off the coast of Tanzania to which you...

RIU wishes you a happy 2019

31 Dec 2018

With New Year's Eve approaching, it's time to recall some moments from 2018. At RIU, we'd like to take this opportunity to raise our glasses and toast all of our achievements by taking a tour through 2018 and reminding you that without you, nothing we do would make any sense. Care to join us?

The entire team of RIU Hotels & Resorts wishes you a Happy and Enjoyable Christmas!

24 Dec 2018

Are you ready? Here at RIU there are Christmas carols, decorations and mounting excitement because…. Christmas is here! We hope that you are over the stress of the preparations and that everything is ready, because from now on the idea is to relax and enjoy yourself! Over the last few days we have shown you how our hotels are decorated...


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