Category: Hotels

27 March, 2024

Cape Verde celebrates female talent!

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Today is a very special day for our Cape Verdean colleagues on the island of Sal and Boa Vista. Every March 27, the African country commemorates Cape Verdean Women‘s day, when the important and necessary contribution women make to society and areas such as politics, culture, economy and education is highlighted. They play a fundamental role. Today several events are...

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29 February, 2024

RIU’s virtual hotel evolves in Spatial!

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Do you know what the metaverse is? I’m sure it makes you think about avatars, virtual reality and the like. Don’t worry, if you are not up to date, we are going to help you understand it better. Imagine a parallel, but digital, universe where you can do anything: play, work, learn, go shopping, meet your friends… Anything you can...

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15 February, 2024

RIU dresses up its Cape Verde hotels for Carnival

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Colour, originality and lots of fun! These are the perfect ingredients for celebrating one of the most joyful dates of the year, Carnival! Everyone’s inner child comes out and they come up with great costumes to surprise other people. As you know, for RIU, any excuse is a good excuse to celebrate with our guests. That’s why our six hotels...

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