
Riu Santa Fe.

“El Grito” day: the biggest celebration in Mexico

21 Sep 2023

A country as culturally rich as Mexico boasts a wide variety of commemorative days. However, there is none as special as the Día del Grito de Independencia (or Cry of Independence Day), a celebration that takes place on 15 and 16 September. Do you want to learn more about this iconic day? Join us!

Where to travel in October?

14 Sep 2023 ,

They say patience is a virtue. After months of waiting calmly, listening while your coworkers and friends told you anecdotes about their days off, that long-awaited moment has finally arrived: you’re going on holiday! What better way to make the most of it than exploring an exotic destination on one of the world’s least known continents. Today we suggest you...

What is the best time of year to travel to Madeira?

3 Aug 2023 ,

Summer arrives with its intense scorching temperatures, and we are faced with a common dilemma at this time of year: where can we take refuge from the sweltering heat? Sometimes what we most desire is right in front of our eyes and we just can't see it. This is certainly true of today's recommendation: Madeira! Hidden in the middle of the Atlantic, the so-called "Island of Flowers" or "Island of Eternal Spring" owes its nickname to the warm temperatures that caress it throughout the year, with April to October being the best time to visit. Would you like to know more about this Portuguese gem? Join us on this colourful journey.

Welcome to the capital of Germany: das ist Berlin!

6 Jul 2023 ,

Typical images we see each summer are beaches in Mediterranean countries packed with tourists from northern Europe trying to escape the cold and the summer rain. This common image does not apply to all destinations, though. Today we bring you an ideal alternative to sun and sea holidays. Want to learn more?


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