Puesta de sol en ClubHotel Riu Chiclana

Places to discover during your holiday at the ClubHotel Riu Chiclana

7 Jul 2017

We know you feel like going to the beach in the summer. So we want to encourage you to see the loveliest spots in Cádiz. Our ClubHotel Riu Chiclana is located near one of the crown jewels of this province in Andalusia. Make note of the experiences you simply can’t miss during your stay with RIU in Chiclana. Cádiz The...

ClubHoteles Riu

RIU ClubHotels, fun for the whole family

4 Jul 2017

If a fun-filled holiday with your family is what you’re looking for, at RIU we have it. The RIU ClubHotels range offers you the quality of the All Inclusive service and an entertainment programme so that you and the youngest members of the family can enjoy yourselves to the hilt. At the RIU ClubHotels, kids are the stars of the show....

Riu Palace Jamaica

Learn to cook a traditional Jamaican oxtail stew with RIU

29 Jun 2017

We’ve shared fascinating recipes from Jamaican gastronomy with you on other occasions, like this delicious Jerk Chicken. Today Chef O’Neil at our Hotel Riu Palace Jamaica brings us another delicacy from the cuisine of this Caribbean island. Learn how to cook a Jamaican-style oxtail stew with us! This dish combines the essence of Jamaican cuisine. The stew is the product...


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