A destination where every aspect makes you fall in love with it: Cabo Verde

23 Nov 2018

There are destinations you fall in love with. It could be for the cuisine, the people, the beautiful and idyllic beaches or else the aspects that set it apart and make it unique. The destination we are presenting today unites all of the foregoing. Cape Verde, a stunning archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa, provides everything from marvellous coastlines...

Luxury, elegance and simplicity: The Riu Palace Boavista is now open!

20 Nov 2018

It’s here at last! The Riu Palace Boavista, our new hotel on the island of Boa Vista and the third on the archipelago of Cape Verde, is now open. The hotel features modern facilities throughout, both in the public areas as well as the bedrooms. Added to that is the sophistication and elegance of our Riu Palace range which, when...

Plan a different kind of Christmas with RIU Hotels

16 Nov 2018 ,

No plans as yet for this Christmas? Don’t worry, we know how to you can enjoy this special holiday period to the full: by offering the chance to celebrate Christmas in our hotels, which are decked throughout with seasonal decorations and where our staff will be delighted to share this magical time of year with you. Lovingly decorated trees, illuminated...

Get involved with us and receive a Riu Class calendar!

13 Nov 2018

We want to carry on being part of your daily life which is why we have created the very special Riu Class Calendar, with a picture and RIU concept on every page. They are the concepts that define our philosophy and our values. Would you like to know what some of them are? JANUARY: We’re making a really energetic start...


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