What hotels are there in Gran Canaria?

21 May 2019 ,

In this post we tell you about all of the hotels RIU has in Gran Canaria. A variety of properties await you and each one has something distinctive about it. That is why we have tried to highlight the best feature of each one so that you can choose the hotel that best suits your needs.

What should you know about Cape Verde before going?

17 May 2019 ,

Before going to Cape Verde we recommend you make a careful choice of the hotel to book, the places to visit and the clothes to take. That is why, in this post, we are showing the RIU hotels located on the island of Boa Vista and the destinations you really should not miss out on if you visit this paradise of infinite beaches.

Where can I stay in Formentera with RIU?

14 May 2019 ,

The hotel Riu La Mola is located in Formentera and is the only RIU chain property in this unique paradise. The hotel has an exclusive location right at the water’s edge and from its terraces you can watch the horizon and the sunsets in an unrivalled setting. Additionally, the hotel provides numerous activities that you are sure to love. 

The Africa Avanza Association, with the collaboration of RIU Hotels, has carried out 158 operations and 623 consultations in Cape Verde.

7 May 2019

The África Avanza Development Cooperation Association is an independent non-profit body that was founded by a group of charitable professionals and volunteers in Biscay (Basque Country) in November 2012. In April 2019, it celebrated six years since it carried out its first charitable surgical operation on the island of Sal, Cape Verde, thanks to the doctors Koldo de Pérdigo and...

We never stop working to enhance your entertainment!

3 May 2019

Every year RIU runs training courses for its entertainment teams. This year they took place in Gran Canaria and Cabo Verde, destinations that witnessed the latest updates to the activities and the shows that are soon to feature at our hotels. With this post we want to show you the work carried out to provide you with the best possible entertainment while on holiday.


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