Where can you go on holiday in September with RIU?

2 Aug 2019 ,

Are you one of those people who prefers to go on holiday after August? In this post we will tell you about some of the destinations you can travel to with RIU in September. These are locations in unique settings where you can enjoy the classic combination of sun, sand and sea. Don't miss out!

RIU joins the UN’s “Beat Air Pollution” programme for the conservation of the planet

30 Jul 2019

For World Environment Day, once again this year RIU Hotels & Resorts joined the United Nations’ programme #BeatAirPollution, in order to tackle one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time: atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, RIU organised environmental action on a grand scale which has involved staff, guests and the local community in: tree planting...

Riu Palace Mexico and their ravioli with passion

26 Jul 2019

At the Riu Palace Mexico hotel our clients' favourite dish is known as "Raviolis with passion" It is a creative recipe designed by Rodolfo García Rangel, Executive Chef at the hotel, as a result of his passion for combining flavours. In this post we teach you, step by step, how to cook this delicious dish so that you can delight your guests. Do you want to know how it is prepared and how to become a true chef?

RIU Hotels publishes its 2018 Sustainability Report

24 Jul 2019

More than twenty joint actions with NGOs around the world and 3,000 staff training sessions lead this complete report which also sets out the company’s sustainable practices during 2018. RIU Hotels & Resorts has published its latest Sustainability Report, a document that sets out the company’s endeavours in terms of protecting the environment and social action throughout 2018. It is a complete...

RIU introduces you to the star dishes in its hotel cuisine

23 Jul 2019

We know that you like to enjoy good food and that is why we have prepared this small selection of dishes from some of our hotels. Our goal is to awaken your taste buds and help you learn with RIU about the gastronomy of these destination spots. Will you come with us on this tour of the chain's top dishes?


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