RIU kicks off the winter season in the Canaries!

29 Oct 2020 ,

We are so excited at RIU because he winter season is already here! If you are looking for a destination where you can escape the cold, the islands are perfect! In addition, the season launches with a great new: the opening of the Riu Papayas . We will tell you everything!

Riu Buenavista: the before and after of a grand hotel

22 Oct 2020

As usual, we would like to show you the before and after renovation works of one of our hotels. This time we are talking about the Hotel Riu Buenavista which reopened its doors a few days ago and now looks totally different thanks to a complete renovation. Don´t miss out!

You’re going to freeze at RIU!

15 Oct 2020

Our post today comes with lots of flavour. We hereby present our new ice-cream menu! Although you can still order your RIU classic desserts, we wanted to offer new alternatives to satisfy your sweet tooth. Don´t miss out on the latest!

Training: A tool for change at RIU Hotels

9 Oct 2020

This post is very special for us as we would like to introduce you to the wonderful Training Department team. We also tell you about their tasks within RIU and how they have worked during these months marked by COVID19. You can't miss out on this!


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