Start the countdown to Christmas with the RIU Advent Calendar!

1 Dec 2020

Christmas is just around the corner at at RIU we want to make this time more special than ever and to bring you some excitement. Therefore, today we give you some good news and that is that you can now take part in RIU's Advent Calendar promotion! Do you want to know which prizes are hidden in our Calendar this year? Check out this post!

Luis Riu, dueño de la cadena RIU Hotels, con su hija Naomi Riu

The RIU entertainment team has been revamped!

10 Nov 2020

We know that for many of you, the entertainment programme is key when choosing a hotel. Our teams have adapted to be able to present to you the best entertainment and you can get the greatest pleasure from staying in our hotels for your holidays. We will tell you all about it here!


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