RIU’s Natural Treasure in the Maldives

23 Feb 2023

You probably know that there is an idyllic destination in the middle of the Indian Ocean that we all dream of visiting, where we can unwind and relax while strolling along white sandy beaches: the Maldives. What you may not know is that the islands are grouped in atolls, meaning that they are part of a coral reef. So we can say that this enchanting place exists thanks to the corals. Today we want to introduce you to a very special protection and conservation project that we support: Blue Reef Reforest.

RIU brings its 25th anniversary in Mexico to a close!

9 Feb 2023

With this article we bring to an end an entire year of activities held to celebrate RIU’s 25th anniversary in Mexico. Over these months we have learned more about the country, shared some unforgettable moments, and above all, we have been remembering and honouring this magical land. We could not be prouder of this affectionate anniversary tribute. At the same...

I love New York: Make RIU your Valentine’s Day gift!

2 Feb 2023 ,

Butterflies in the stomach, cold sweats, a racing pulse, a dry mouth, constant jitters. If you have these symptoms, don't worry, it's not serious. It simply means you're in love! And we have good news for you: St. Valentine's Day is coming! Still don't know what to get? Do you want to surprise your partner but don't know how? Celebrate this day with your favourite person by going on a romantic getaway. Where to? At RIU we are hopeless romantics and that's why we are giving you the secret formula that will blow your loved one's mind: New York!

The Dominican Republic: the perfect plan for escaping the cold with RIU

26 Jan 2023 ,

Legend has it that good things always come to an end. We have already said goodbye to mince pies, Christmas dinners and carols, but not to the cold. As winter continues to hold us in its icy grip, is there anything you can do about it? Still not sure where to escape the freezing temperatures? Don't panic, we've got the perfect solution in three simple words: The Dominican Republic .


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