Where to visit in June with RIU?

4 May 2023 ,

The good weather has arrived! If you’re thinking of taking advantage of spring for a relaxing getaway, we’ve got a great idea for you! We think that the best destination you could pick for June is Agadir! This beautiful city in Morocco is an ideal tourist destination where you can enjoy stunning beaches, its spectacular architectural wealth and a wide...

Miguel Reynés: “All the people who work in IT are very well trained and totally dedicated to RIU”

19 Apr 2023

The star of today's entry is Miguel Reynés, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at RIU. We had the pleasure of interviewing him so that he could tell us first-hand about the work he and his team do in the IT Systems department. Miguel Reynés joined RIU as head of the Riu Partner Club Project in 1993. Later, he took on the responsibility for Development, before becoming a director. Now he is in charge of controlling one of the company's key departments, in which IT systems and new technologies play a fundamental role for all RIU's workers and customers.

Savour Andalusia, a magical region

13 Apr 2023 ,

Legend has it that everyone who visits Andalusia will return one day. Andalusia's variety of landscapes will evoke the most romantic Spain imaginable, beautiful views framed by orange trees and the delicate scent of blossom in the air.

Whale in sight! Whale-watching season is coming to an end

5 Apr 2023

Many whales migrate to the area of Los Cabos, Mazatlán and Vallarta, in Mexico, to give birth, taking advantage of the ideal conditions of the warm Mexican waters to raise their offspring until they are ready to continue their journey. At RIU Hotels & Resorts we want you to enjoy one of the most magical spectacles nature has to offer in a responsible way. That's why we offer you a series of recommendations so that the natural habitat of these wonderful cetaceans remains unaffected and, therefore, you too can enjoy this spectacle as safely as possible.


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