Still don’t know what Mexico’s Posadas are?

4 Jan 2017

At RIU, we love celebrations, but what we really like is for you to be there. Today we’re going to tell you about the famous Mexico’s Posadas. If you still don’t know what these celebrations are, don’t miss this post: Las Posadas, popular festivals held in various parts of Latin America. From 16 to 24 December, Las Posadas are celebrated...

Discover the Christmas decorations at RIU hotels

30 Dec 2016

In today’s post, we want to show you how our hotels look now they are all lit up with traditional Christmas decorations. Coloured fairy lights, reindeer, huge Christmas trees… everything is ready for you to enjoy a unique and unforgettable Christmas staying at our hotels. And as we have said before, we love Christmas as much as you do! At...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

23 Dec 2016

At RIU we love Christmas, so today we want to wish you Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year. To do so, we’ve put together a video with great enthusiasm. And while we had lots of fun making it, our intention is to entertain you. We’d like to thank you for the confidence you’ve placed in us as a hotel...

Prepare a delicious typical Christmas cake from Sri Lanka

20 Dec 2016

At RIU, we know that Christmas is just around the corner, so we propose that you delight your guests these holidays with an exquisite typical cake from Sri Lanka. Today we bring you a recipe that will have you licking your fingers. And it’s sufficient to tell you that this delicacy comes from the land of curry for you to...


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